Orient Occident Atelier | OOA | 東西建築 is an interdisciplinary architectural, interior and urban design studio. We focus on discovering, researching and utilizing the interdependence of “objects” and connections with surrounding space as design inspirations.
Design themes of OOA encompass modern interpretations of Eastern and Western aesthetics while integrating nature and function. We believe the intrinsic local culture and technology found at the project site should be respected. Through natural and synthetic materials, we research and develop new methods of architectural detail assembly.
OOA is committed to leveraging architectural design for the development of urban and rural villages with other professions on programs such as disaster prevention and relief. We design and build solutions to environmental and social problems with collaboration from government bodies and social enterprises.
Orient Occident Atelier | OOA | 東西建築是一家跨領域建築設計、室內設計和城市設計事務所。其總部位於香港。OOA的設計概念以「東西」中不同元素相互依存的關係、材料本身與周圍空間的聯繫作為設計靈感。
To apply, please email us the following:
Resume / Portfolio / Position / Availability
Senior / Junior / Full-Time / Part-Time / Internship
Architectural:Architecture / Interior / FF&E
Business:Administrative Officer
Design:Media Art / Graphic / Furniture / Hand-drawing
Animation:Animator / Post-Video Editing / Video-photographer
Promotion:Marketing / Promotion / Writer
Engineering:Product / Mechanical / Structure