Ventureground / Reveal 2 at Artistree
M●Thanks to the invitation from the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, the idea of the ‘Griddy’ system developed in the AGS school project was able to be extended to the whole exhibition venue in Artistree to cultivate an integral experience of museum and playground. It was a hybrid space which functioned as both a playground and learning space through different arrangements of the “Griddy” system.
在香港建築師學會的邀請下,東西建築(OOA)成爲設計團隊一份子為香港建築師學會60週年紀念展覽「築.自室貳之家−城÷」設計展覽場地。 我們受柬埔寨的AGS慈善學校設計概念:多功能結構體系 「Griddy」被鄉村小朋友當作游樂場啓發,並把概念帶回香港,將其理念擴展至Artistree的展覽場地,嘗試探索「遊樂場」與「學習空間」、「教育」與「設計」之間的關係。造型獨特的白色Griddy鋼架結構將場地分成四個展區,讓參觀者置身於六十多個展品當中。

The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
REVEAL 2 Exhibition