Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale 2018
M○The designs intention is to house interior and exterior exhibition spaces for creatives and performers. Although following a simple canopy structure, the spaces that are carved underneath open up the possibilities for various layouts. Translucent facades allow curious onlookers to peer into the galleries, as well as provide natural sunlight to exhibition spaces.
設計意圖是為創意和表演者提供室內和室外展覽空間。 儘管採用簡單的頂篷結構,但下方雕刻的空間為各種佈局提供了可能性。 半透明的外牆使好奇的旁觀者可以窺視畫廊,並為展覽空間提供自然的陽光。

Echigo-Tsumari Art Field