Bishop Hill Underground Service Reservoir in Hong Kong
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Heritage is Innovation • Old is New
The Bishop Hill Underground Service Reservoir is a telling story of our city’s past during its formative years when the Kowloon peninsula was still mostly marked with farms and fields, which has yet been catapulted into the metropolis it now has become a century later.
OOA believes it’s of our city’s and OOA’s own interest to study this magnificent sight of an artifact, nestled underground in anonymity for over a century handed down by previous generations. It is a welcoming piece of heritage that defines our city’s unique, inherited sense of ethnic, cultural, and historical identity.
With the aim of providing a tool to explore Hong Kong’s past history, we hereby release a series of architectural VR simulation, animated video, and panoramas of the underground service reservoir’s structural space, in an attempt to help reveal the often inaccessible spatial conditions, rendering it easier for public or governmental investigations and evaluations. It could help garner public awareness, furthering the discussion of how preserving this heritage can be the beacon of innovation that defines our heritage.
Old is New.
《遺產是創新 • 舊是新》